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Life After the MCAT: Reflection & Next Steps

Welcome back to Flourish! Whether you're a seasoned reader or joining us for the first time, I'm thrilled to have you here. Take a moment to explore what Flourish is all about and feel at home. Now, let's dive into the latest chapter of my life’s journey. Since my last blog entry, titled “My Season of Courting,” life has been a whirlwind. I said goodbye to my role as a medical scribe in urgent care, welcomed a new job opportunity, got engaged!!!!, collaborated on a memorable worship night with my now fiancé, and tackled one of the biggest challenges yet: the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

Today, I want to focus on sharing my MCAT preparation experience. It's a journey filled with highs, lows, and invaluable lessons, and I hope it resonates with those on a similar path to medical school or navigating the MCAT themselves. Let's embark on this adventure together!

Many may not know this about me, but since I was a little girl I’ve always dreamt of either becoming a teacher or a doctor, and if you've been following this blog closely, it's no secret which path I chose. I chose medicine not solely for the potential financial stability it offers, but more importantly for the opportunity it presents to greatly serve and impact my community, particularly the African American community which has been chronically underrepresented in medicine for over a century. Without delving too deeply, that's the essence of my 'why' behind pursuing medicine. It's a passion fueled by a desire to make a meaningful difference. However, this journey comes with a pivotal step: the MCAT exam. Now, for those who may not be familiar, let me introduce you to the MCAT.

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the MCAT is “ a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess your problem-solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine” (AAMC. (n.d.). About the MCAT Exam . AAMC/ Students & Residents. The exam consists of four sections which you can find in the citation provided, with a total of 250 questions. The total time allotted to complete the exam is seven hours and thirty minutes. 

To provide full transparency,  preparing for the exam was an intense journey, both mentally and emotionally. The volume of material to absorb and master was exhausting. From revisiting and reinforcing key concepts to honing test-taking strategies, the process demanded dedication. For one to succeed on the exam, it requires not only knowledge of the material but also the development of endurance to navigate through a lengthy testing period. It meant investing significant time and making sacrifices I hadn't anticipated. For instance, leaving my role as a medical scribe was a difficult decision driven by my commitment to excel on the MCAT.

Imagine, for every twelve-hour shift at work, that was twelve hours without review or practice. It reached a point where I had to make an important decision, and ultimately, I chose to prioritize my exam preparation. Though leaving my job was challenging, I believe it was the right decision, knowing it maximized my chances of achieving a competitive MCAT score.

Now that I have taken the exam for the second time, I have a few takeaways from the process that I believe can help those who might be on a similar path. First, I would advise one to invite God into the process. Preparing for the exam was a very overwhelming experience and at times caused me to question my ability to do well. In those moments of uncertainty, I leaned on Jesus. The Bible tells us in Psalm 61:2 “When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I”. There is no way I could've taken the exam without God. To take this exam it took a strength that surpassed my own, and to be honest, I took it twice and still didn't get the score I hoped for. However, that doesn't diminish God’s faithfulness in my life. I prepared to the best of my ability and am proud of the work that I had put into the process. God is still good and I believe in Him to continue to order my steps. 

The second piece of advice that I  would give is to take as many practice exams as you can! I think that’s one of the best things if not the best thing you can do to maximize your opportunity of succeeding on the exam. You can find free full-length practice exams online through various MCAT prep websites and on the AAMC website itself. PRACTICE, PRACTICE,  and PRACTICE again. What you score on your practice exams will give you a pretty good idea of what you’ll score on your actual exam. 

Lastly, purchasing a subscription to uworld was one of the best decisions I made regarding my test preparation. The questions were phenomenal and not only helped me review content but also helped me work my time management. It is an incredible tool for MCAT prep and is worth every penny. Also, take advantage of the free online tools made available to you such as Khan Academy which is another great resource.

As I bring this entry to a close, you're probably wondering what my next steps are. My answer is, once I know, I'll be sure to share it with you. Will I take the exam a third time? Only God knows. I am not in any particular rush. I am at a point in my life where I am truly letting the good and true shepherd order my steps without asking questions. I pray that this blog post reaches the hearts of those who might be in the middle of preparing for a big exam or transition in their lives. May the Lord strengthen and equip you with everything you’ll need to excel. Always remember the Lord's plans for you. It is for you to prosper; To give you a hope and future. It is never to destroy you.  Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. When you submit to the Lord, He WILL make your path straight. May God bless you, and we shall talk soon!

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